JOIN OUR MEMBERSHIP LOYALTY PROGRAME –  promote your business here in Canterbury

We have a great opportunity for local businesses to grow their online presence and sales by jumping on board one of New Zealand’s most popular online subscriptions.

Quite simply, we promote your business on our website and social media forums weekly and your business provides an offer or discount for our members.

A great opportunity for local businesses in all sectors: entertainment, travel, retail, adventure tourism, accommodation to name a few.

•Great promotion. Canterbury’s largest online presence ‘collectively’ with our website and social media reach.

•Weekly Facebook recognition: increase awareness around your product or service, with our weekly Facebook posts,

•Increase sales through CWU members and followers using your business.

•We can provide discount codes on secure forums.

•Simple and straight forward collaboration and results. This is unique opportunity and unmatched in terms of online exposure.

•Interested? More information? If you would like to be part of our CWU membership loyalty program – Get in touch

•Current offerings – Benefits of membership