We’re extremely excited about our new addition to our membership. Our monthly outlooks will bring a new edge to forecasting here in Canterbury, in regards to longer range forecasting. Gone are the days of vague outlooks, which can be interpreted & subjective to some extent. CWU will break down the month and provide you an outlook which you can plan and prepare for accordingly. Our monthly outlook are now the most detailed, intensive and specific longer range forecasts for Canterbury available.

You might be asking, how is this possible?  The reality is while our general weather can change day to day; our climate in terms of longer range data is actually more reliable, meaning we can generate monthly outlooks with higher levels of confidence. A prime example of this was our build up to Christmas, with 30 degrees and NW conditions forecast for Christmas over 21 days out.

Monthly outlooks are paramount in many sectors, such as agriculture, horticulture, transport, ski, energy or even the wine industry.  At a personal level, planning holidays, events or even just sporting trips.

Knowledge is power and when it comes to long range weather, or tips & advice, we will provide you with practical suggestions on an operational level. Help maximise your opportunities and mitigate losses through planning and preparation.

Key Features

* Starting for the February Outlook – New graphics &  illustrations – A breakdown of the month. Days 1-30th/31st      

* Key considerations/ possible ‘Curve Balls’

*Areas most likely to experience high monthly rainfall totals

*Possible extreme weather

*Our ‘Outlook’ will be updated accordingly – Content will be moderated and adjusted accordingly to the every developing situation. Reviewed every 2 days. Weather changes, when it does content will be adjusted accordingly.

*North, Mid & South Canterbury included, including Christchurch.

* Our monthly Canterbury Outlook will be published the day before the start of the new month. Our ‘Monthly Outlook’ has now been issued for January and is situated below the ‘Round Up’ and is exclusive to all members; new additions ( graphics ) will be ready in February.

-CWU Team.