CWU Bivouac Outdoor Weather Alerts are designed to keep you up to date and informed. You’ll be the first to know, whether its arrival of fronts, rainfall totals, extreme weather information, you’ll never miss a beat.

Text alerts are sent to your mobile, providing near instant information directly to you. It’s straight forward, easy and flexible. This is the only service of its kind here in New Zealand, providing unmatched intensity & accuracy here in the Canterbury region.



  • Real time updates
  • You’ll be the first to know – We’re the only professional regional forecasting agency in New Zealand, meaning our eyes are fixed on the Canterbury region.
  • Our weather information is trusted & sourced by tens of thousands of people in the Canterbury region each week, from large tourism ventures, to local farmers wanting all the latest weather information.
  • Beneficial for everyone, from sports teams, coaches,schools, weather dependant jobs such as building, construction.
  • You’ll be alerted by text service, meaning high reliability and near immediate delivery
  • Accurate, up to date updates. Many of our texts will contain our website links for more information.


  (Don’t forget to read our FAQ, for more information)


CANTERBURY WEATHER UPDATES TEXT ALERTS: Be the first to know, never get caught out and be provided the best up to date accurate weather information here in Canterbury. Texts will contain arrival of fronts, severe weather information, interesting & current weather, you name it, and our full text alert service covers it all. A  highlight of the service is our exclusive rain alerts for Christchurch.

Some text messages will contain links to our website for more information. The number of text messages you receive is obviously weather dependant.



$ 59.99 6 months

$ 99.99 1 year
















Simply fill out the form below, it takes a couple of minutes and once payment is received you’ll receive your weather alerts. If your number doesn’t fit on the box, just email us manually at [email protected]  and we’ll get back to you.